Saturday, March 21, 2020

What You Can Do With a Degree in Marine Biology

What You Can Do With a Degree in Marine BiologyThe ocean has been described as the ultimate experiment for biological sciences, and the word marine biology itself is derived from this work. Marine biologists study the oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and wetlands of the planet, conducting research, collecting specimens, and observing their behavior. Because of the great diversity of life forms, marine biologists conduct their experiments in the field. They study the fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arthropods, worms, and other creatures that inhabit the marine environment.Humans have visited the oceans for many centuries, exploring the coasts and beaches along the way. The first beachcomber ventured into the water with a single fishing line, and the ocean has become one of the most popular places to visit on Earth. Oceans are rich in life, home to a plethora of creatures ranging from whales to dolphins, sharks to whales, and squid to a variety of fish specie s. Creatures that humans have only read about in books are actually real to the world around us. Take a deep breath and check out some of the extraordinary creatures that dwell in the world's oceans.We all know the legendary story of the gigantic Manta Ray: a bright blue and green, flamboyant creature of the sea that resembles a huge penguin, and is able to bring disaster to ships if caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. On one such voyage, a Spanish captain captured a Manta Ray in Argentina, and the fish surprised the crew by hanging onto its propeller! It took six men to hold the creature down with a hammer, but eventually they were successful.Another great marine creature is the Killer Whale, a grey whale that can grow to nearly five tons, and has an extremely strong back and neck, and the ability to swim over three hundred miles per day. In addition to using its size and strength, it also has an uncanny sense of smell that allows it to track down marine mammals that it ea ts. The killer whale is especially known for eating killer whales and some other whales, and human beings are also of interest to these massive beasts.The world's largest sea turtle is the leatherback turtle, and they can grow up to ten feet long and weigh almost a ton. The number of sea turtles that live in the oceans have been decreasing as the atmosphere becomes more polluted, and many species have become threatened. Marine biologists study these incredible animals as part of the ongoing efforts to protect these fragile species.Even though it may sound complicated, marine biology can be very rewarding. It can even be fulfilling, because you help preserve the wonders of the world's oceans. More than any other species, marine biologists are responsible for protecting the world's marine ecosystems and maintaining their biodiversity.There are many different jobs within the marine biology field, and many of them require specialized knowledge and skills. Sea surface biologists, biologi sts, and oceanographers are examples of marine biologists, while biologists who study fishes, coral reefs, and fish are also included. Some people specialize in just one area, while others may work with many different types of marine scientists.

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